Experts’ Hive #5: 8 Quick Ways to Upgrade Your Social Media Content

Marketers constantly struggle with creating high-quality content that will interest others. Since they have a difficult time coming up with ideas or find that their competition already uses their ideas, their statistics fall, and they begin to have problems with engagement – this leads to lack of motivation. The question is how do you avoid this, and what should you do to revamp your social media content?

Try new formats

If you’ve mostly been using photos or basic graphics, then you should try new options. Some examples can be creating a slideshow on Facebook, different types of animations or videos, and using this form of content to engage your audience. It’s definitely more interesting to look at and will catch your audience’s’ attention. Avoid mundane photos that have been used by others hundreds of times. 

Creating videos isn’t rocket science

Videos are one of the most powerful ways to distribute your message, especially when they’re executed well. Studies show that 54% of consumers want to see more video content from a brand they support. YouTube is a great platform for this purpose, but many other tools can be used to create eye-catching videos.

  • – a chrome extension which makes it simple to create videos from blog posts and web pages. The main concept of this tool is to allow writing teams, social media marketers, and agencies to repurpose their text content as a video in a few clicks using premade templates and an intuitive tool
  • Biteable – a tool that helps you create professional videos in minutes without requiring any tech skills
  • Splice – acloud platform that can be used for music creation, collaboration and sharing
  • Crello – an easy way to add animation to your content; a free graphic design editor that helps create images for social media, print, and other web-based graphics. It contains 30 different formats and 10,000 free and ready-to-use templates.
  • PixelCut – a set of extremely helpful tools for each agency.
  • Design Wizard for captivating social media graphics.

See which format works best

Notice which format generates the most interest amongst your target audience and try to create similar content. Listening to your desired audience is extremely important since they are the ones that can bring your brand potential sales. If you don’t see much success with a particular type of format, switch it up and try something different. It’s important to test out different options in order to find the best one.

Ask questions

Add questions to your posts and observe your clients’ reactions. It’s important to take into account customer feedback and always keep them engaged. Once you know what your audience thinks, you can create content according to their preferences and reactions. For example, if you run a profile for clearing services in Munich, you may want to ask people how they make their cleaning processes… pleasant.

Use paid campaigns

Sometimes paying a few dollars to help activate your community is necessary. It will really boost the size of your target audience and help your brand grow. Some social media platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn offer campaigns. Trying this method will help you reach a wider audience, and various types of target groups you never knew could be interested in your content. Promoted social media posts can also be targeted to specific customer segments, which helps you get your messages in front of the exact audience you need to earn more customers.

Gated content

Content gating is the practice of requiring some kind of action in order to get access to specific web content. Use such a form of marketing which enables getting shares on social media in return for access to a piece of premium content. It’s a great method for generating leads and helping your content potentially go viral. By getting shares, you have a better reach and a chance to reach a lot more people.

Organize contests!

Contests or different video games are always fun and creative ways to engage your audience. Make sure you think through all of the details, rules, and eventual problems your audience might face in order to avoid future issues. Always have all of the terms and conditions and rules available for your audience to read. Promote these contest and engage by the teasing prizes. The length and frequency of your contests should also be clear.

Analyze your performance

It’s helpful to know whether your social media content strategy is doing well or not. This is where analytics tools come in handy to provide detailed statistics. Invest in tools such as Owlmetrics to check your follower engagement, click through rate and overall growth. This will really help you understand what type of content has the highest success rate and will also help you improve your content.

In conclusion, creating amazing social media content requires a lot of effort, learning from mistakes, analyzing your target audience and testing out different forms of content. Try to switch it up with different types of graphics, videos, and engaging formats. Appealing to your target audience isn’t simple, but with the help of our tips above, it will definitely be easier and can help you create a clear plan of how to improve your content. You can also consider seeking help with a social media agency in Liverpool that definitely save you from troubles.

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