Why is link building important for SEO? Benefits of link building for SEO

Link building, at its core, is the process of acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to your own. It’s like the digital equivalent of networking, where you’re making connections with other sites, often within your industry or niche. These connections, or links, are a signal to search engines that your site is a quality resource worthy of citation.

The mechanics of link building revolve around the concept of “backlinks”. When another website links to yours, that’s a backlink. It’s a vote of confidence, a nod from the online community that your content holds value.

Link building plays a pivotal role in search engine optimization (SEO). It’s one of the many tactics used in SEO because links are a signal to Google that your site is a quality resource worthy of citation. Therefore, sites with more backlinks tend to earn higher rankings.

Link Building is Important for SEO: Importance of Link Building Efforts

Link building does more than just boost your rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs). It’s a multifaceted tool that can enhance your online presence in ways you might not have considered. So, why is link building important for SEO?

Enhances Search Engine Visibility

Link building acts as a beacon for search engines. With a robust network of backlinks, search engines are more likely to discover and index your site, thereby enhancing its visibility. It’s akin to having a crowd of people pointing towards your shop in a bustling street – it’s bound to catch the eye of passersby, and in this case, search engines.

Builds Online Authority

Each backlink your site receives is like a vote of confidence from the online community. It’s an endorsement, a signal to users and search engines alike that your content is credible and authoritative. It’s akin to having industry experts vouching for your content, bolstering your online reputation.

Drives Quality Traffic

Backlinks from high-traffic, reputable sites can lead their visitors to you. It’s like having a popular coffee shop recommend your bakery to its customers – you’re bound to see some new faces. This referral traffic is often highly targeted, increasing the chances of conversion.

Boosts Brand Recognition

The more your links appear on various sites, the more familiar your brand becomes. It’s like seeing the same logo over and over again – eventually, it sticks. This increased brand recognition can lead to higher trust and credibility, which are crucial for online success.

Facilitates the Creation of Professional Networks

Link building often involves reaching out to other businesses and influencers in your industry. This process can lead to collaborations, partnerships, and growth opportunities. It’s a two-way street that can lead to mutual benefits and industry growth. 

Encourages Content Development and Diversification

To earn backlinks, you need to provide valuable content. This requirement encourages you to consistently create and diversify your content, keeping your site fresh and relevant. It’s like having a constant incentive to innovate and improve.

Improves Site Navigation

Internal link building helps users and search engines navigate your site. It’s like having signposts and directions within your website, guiding visitors to related content. This improved navigation can enhance user experience and increase dwell time, impacting on-page SEO as well. 

Supports Local SEO and Geotargeting

Local businesses can benefit from link building through local directories and reviews. It’s like having your business on a local map, making it easier for nearby customers to find you. This local focus can lead to increased foot traffic and local dominance.

Increases Social Media Following

When people find your content through backlinks, they’re likely to share it on social media. It’s a ripple effect that can increase your social media following and engagement. It’s like having your content go viral, leading to increased brand awareness.

Provides Competitive Advantage

A robust link building strategy can give you an edge over competitors. It’s like having a louder voice in a crowded room – you’re more likely to be heard. This advantage can lead to higher rankings, more traffic, links to another activity, and ultimately, more business.

Contributes to Long-Term SEO Strategy

The benefits of link building are not immediate, but they are lasting. It’s a long-term investment that can yield significant returns over time. It’s like planting a tree – it takes time to grow, but once it does, it provides shade for many years.

Brief Guide to Link Building: Best Link Building Strategies to Get Links

Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is a strategy where you write content for other websites. In return, you get a backlink, usually in the author bio section. For example, if you’re a fitness trainer, you could write a guest post for a health blog about effective workout routines. This not only positions you as an expert but also exposes you to a larger audience, and allows you to get other websites to link to pages you care about the most. Every link counts! 

Broken Link Building

This strategy involves finding broken links on other websites and suggesting your content as a replacement. For instance, if you find a broken link on a gardening blog that was originally about organic pest control and with that anchor text, and you have a similar article on your site, you could reach out to the blog owner and suggest replacing the broken link with a link to your article.

Finding broken external links is very valuable for you as you get a link back to your website. However, it also improves the performance of the receiving site as it looks more valuable to Google if it has no broken links. 

Skyscraper Technique

The Skyscraper Technique involves finding popular content within your niche, creating something even better, and then reaching out to the right people. For example, if a popular post lists “10 Ways to Reduce Stress,” you could create a more comprehensive post titled “50 Proven Strategies to Reduce Stress” and then reach out to sites that linked to the original post to replace old link. This way, you can get links from 10 different websites with, like, one stone. 

Backlink Outreach

Backlink outreach involves reaching out to other websites and influencers in your industry and asking them to link to your content. For example, if you’ve created an in-depth guide about vegan nutrition, you could reach out to vegan blogs and suggest that they might find your guide useful for their readers. They might just want to link to something that is relevant to what they publish. 

A single link from a small site, or a linking website that’s ultra-relevant to what you’re doing, might be just what you need for your strategy. 

Resource Link Building

This strategy involves creating high-quality resources that are useful to your target audience, and then reaching out to websites that link to similar resources. For example, if you create a comprehensive guide on “How to Start a Podcast,” you could reach out to websites that have resource pages for podcasters and suggest your guide as a valuable addition.

If you give some media patronage, too, you can get links from other sites that decided to support your initiative. This can have even more value than links in long run for you. 

Competitor Analysis

This strategy involves analyzing your competitors’ backlinks and aiming to acquire links from the same sources.

If you want a link yourself, and some sites prefer to link to other sources for now, message them with your idea. 

For example, if a popular industry blog links to your competitor’s article on “The Future of AI,” you could reach out to the blog and suggest your own, possibly more comprehensive, article on the same topic – and even write it with an AI blogging tool. You can also discuss other links to the content you publish. 

This takes quite a lot of first link research, but might be one of the best link building methods – especially if you’re really able to deliver a more valuable piece of content for a linked page. 

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing involves collaborating with influencers in your industry who can promote your content to their followers. For example, if you sell eco-friendly products, you could send some of your products to an eco-conscious influencer who can review them and link back to your site. You can attract links – and we’re talking high-quality links pointing to your site – you might have not expected. Negotiating links is one part of the story, but then getting these sites to link to your pages might be more problematic! 

Social Media Promotion

Promoting your content on social media can indirectly contribute to your link building efforts. While social media links are typically “nofollow” and don’t directly impact SEO, they can increase your content’s visibility, which can lead to more people linking to it. They also distribute social signals.

For example, if you share an engaging infographic in your SEO community on your social media channels, it could get shared widely and earn you backlinks, relevant links from websites from your industry, or a clickable link in a newsletter. Lots of links!

In any of these methods, links aren’t guaranteed, of course, and not all links are created equal, but mix and match our quality link building tactics to see if link building works, and how likely are other pages to link to what you’re linking to.

Misconceptions about Link Building Tactics and Link Building Campaign

Quantity Over Quality

Many believe that the more backlinks, the better. However, a handful of links from an authoritative can be more beneficial than a ton of links from low-quality sites. Link building is the process where quality control has to be achieved. 

You can use link building tools to verify the value of each link to your website – even before it appears. Check link referral location, types of links, link profile, and more to see if each link to your site makes sense for search results. 

Instant Results

Link building is a long-term strategy. It’s not about instant gratification but gradual and sustainable growth. People can’t link to tons of your content overnight. Link building is important only when done properly, with a safe way to build links – and getting other websites to link to your content marketing articles might take time. Even if you don’t know about link building results just yet, you need to grab yourself a dose of confidence and patience. Technical SEO industry needs a lot of it! 

Paid Links are Always Bad

While buying links is generally frowned upon, sponsored content and advertising are legitimate ways to gain backlinks. This link building technique all about the intent, kinds of links, quality of links, and the value that the link brings. 

Link building is one of the most valuable techniques to get traffic to your website, so you should discover various avenues. 

Is link building important for search engine ranking?


When it comes to link building, link building refers to more than just an SEO tactic. It’s a tool for building online authority, driving quality traffic, boosting brand recognition, and more. It’s a long-term investment that can yield significant returns over time. External links are an important ranking factor, so make sure you follow our link building tactics and build a satisfactory number of link building streams!

Or, simply find a good digital marketing agency that can run a link building campaign for you. We can 🙂

Build Links With Link Building Tools (FAQs)

What is the role of link building in SEO?

Link building is a key component of SEO as it helps search engines discover new web pages and determine how well a page should rank in their results.

How does link building enhance search engine visibility?

Link building enhances search engine visibility by signaling to search engines that your site is a quality resource worthy of citation.

How does link building contribute to brand recognition?

Link building contributes to brand recognition by increasing your brand’s visibility and presence on various websites and platforms.

What are some effective link building strategies?

Effective link building strategies include guest blogging, broken link building, the skyscraper technique, and backlink outreach. Do it all and discover why is link building important for SEO.

Why is quality more important than quantity in link building?

Quality is more important than quantity in link building because search engines prioritize the relevance and authority of the linking sites. A few high-quality backlinks can have a greater impact than a large number of low-quality ones.

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